“Shadow of the Salmon” is a timely docudrama produced by Salmon Defense, distributed with strong tribal support to middle schools across the state (along with the accompanying teachers’ guide, produced by Steve Robinson, Dr. Kyra Nourse, Dr. Michael Pavel and the Pacific Educational Institute). Sessions are now being organized to help support teachers’ efforts to use the film and curriculum effectively in the classroom.
Shadow of the Salmon Resource Guide for 8th Grade TeachersThe story of a young man from Lakota Nation who comes to the Pacific Northwest to visit his Coastal Salish relatives. During his visit, he experiences many things and learns much about salmon and the Northwest environment. He witnesses the annual Canoe Journey and helps respond to an oil spill in the river.
Shadow of the Salmon from Salmon Defense on Vimeo.
© 2007 Three Sixty Productions
Shadow of the Salmon is presented by Three Sixty Productions in association with